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Balsa Crosetto Piazzi is an architecture office established in Cordoba, Argentina, in 2018 by Juan Manuel Balsa, Rocio Crosetto, and Leandro Piazzi. Their practice extends to the fields of teaching and research and has gained recognition from various media and institutions. Their work includes built projects of different scales as well as participation in professional competitions, where they have received multiple awards. Notable achievements include the First Prize for the Valorization and Conservation of Banco Nación, Central Headquarters; Second Prize for the Public Space and Bridge at Expo Buenos Aires 2023; and the First Prize for the Temporary Pavilion "IX BIAU," among others.
The work of Balsa Crosetto Piazzi has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, and the Argentinian Biennial. They have taught studios and seminars at GSAPP, Columbia University; IUAV in Venice; Universidad Andres Bello in Chile; Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Syracuse University; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute & Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
Their interest in architecture lies in the material world of the discipline and the potential of architecture unfolded through the act of building. Their work engages in a dialogue between hyper-local materials and techniques, composed with an obsession for precise geometries and a continuous search for clearly legible buildings.
Juan Manuel Balsa
is an Argentinian architect and educator graduated from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño
of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (2012). In 2017 he won
the Argentinian Scholarship awarded by the University of Navarra to study
the Master’s Degree in Architectural Design (ETSAUN) in the city of Pamplona,
Spain. He currently works as a Professor at the Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y diseño of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and a Visiting Professor at the Andrés Bello University (Chile). He has given conferences
internationally and his academic and professional work has been exhibited in
Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain and the United States. He has been awarded numerous prizes in prominent national and international
architecture competitions.
Rocio Crosetto Brizzio
is an Argentinian architect and educator graduated from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina (2015). Rocio was admitted with a Dean Scholarship award, and she received upon her graduation the William Ware Prize for Excellence in Design and Saul Kaplan Travelling Fellowship. She has been assistant professor of Columbia University in New York; the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia; the Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay; and the Universidad Andres Bello, Chile. Rocio has served as guest critic at undergraduate and graduate reviews in several universities in the US, Europe and Latin America; and has given lectures on the work of Balsa Crosetto Piazzi at national and international congresses in Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, the United States and Argentina. She is currently an adjunct professor at Syracuse University.
Leandro Piazzi
is an Argentinian architect and educator graduated from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (2014). He continues his postgraduate studies in Madrid, taking the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects (2015) at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ETSAM). He has given conferences internationally and his academic and professional work has been exhibited in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Spain and the United States. He has taught undergraduate and graduate classes at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain), the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina), the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and is currently a professor at the Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile) and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (United States).
"Rural Restrooms", selected as part of the exhibition of the Argentine Pavilion Venice Architecture Biennale "The Laboratory of the Future", Venice, Italy.
3rd Prize - “Curator Project Proposal for the Argentine Pavilion International Architecture Biennale of Venice 2023, Laboratory of the Future”, National Competition, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1st Prize - “Gral. Manuel Belgrano Square”, Landscape Restoration, National Competition, Villa Allende, Argentina.
1st Prize - “Argentinian National Bank Headquarters”, Heritage Conservation and Refunctionalization, National Competition, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Rural Restrooms”, Built work selected, VII BASC Santa Cruz Architecture Biennial, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
2nd Prize - “San Patricio del Chañar Urban Park”, Landscape and Urbanism, National Competition, Neuquén, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Sustainable Collective Housing”, National Competition, Mendoza, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Córdoba School of Architecture and Urbanism Building”, Conservation and Restoration, National Competition, Córdoba, Argentina.
2nd Prize - “San Patricio del Chañar Urban Park”, Landscape and Urbanism, National Competition, Neuquén, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Sustainable Collective Housing”, National Competition, Mendoza, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Córdoba School of Architecture and Urbanism Building”, Conservation and Restoration, National Competition, Córdoba, Argentina.
2nd Prize - “Expo 2023 Park, Boulevard and Bridge”, Landscape and Urbanism, International Competition, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Sustainable Housing of Social Interest”, National Competition, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina.
“House in San Francisco”, Built work selected, BIA-AR 2018, Category: Politics of practice, Traditions and Innovations, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Master Plan of the Córdoba City Railway Lands”, Landscape and Urbanism, National Competition, Córdoba, Argentina.
3rd Prize - “Façade of the Argentinian National Internal Revenue Building”, National Competition, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “Master Plan of the Córdoba City Railway Lands”, Landscape and Urbanism, National Competition, Córdoba, Argentina.
3rd Prize - “Façade of the Argentinian National Internal Revenue Building”, National Competition, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “New Building for Mendoza Food Market”, National Competition, Mendoza, Argentina.
Honorable Mention - “San Carlos de Bariloche Judicial Buildings Complex”, National Competition, Rio Negro, Argentina.
“Temporary Pavilion IX BIAU”, Built work selected, BIA-AR 2016. Category: Politics of practice, Traditions and Innovations. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1st Prize - “Architectural Association of Rio Cuarto building”, Expansion and Refunctionalization, Regional Competition, Córdoba, Argentina.
4th Prize - “Conservation and Restoration of Piazza Della Scala”, Urban Heritage, International Competition, Milan, Italy
Selected Building - “Temporary Pavilion IX Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism”, ODA Awards 2015, Building of the Year, Cultural Section, organized by ArchDaily.
2nd Prize - “Cipolleti Judicial Buildings Complex” National Competition, Rio Negro, Argentina.
1st Prize - “Temporary Pavilion IX Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism” International Architecture, Rosario, Argentina.
Articles, Essays, and Interviews
“Pabellón de Madera 1:0.89” [Wood Pavilion 1:0.89], in Catálogo de Bienal de Arquitectura Latinoamericana 2019, T6 Ediciones, Pamplona, España / ISBN: 978-84-92409-90-7
“MADERA. Las Instalaciones de la Tercera Edición de HelloWood” [WOOD; The Installations of HelloWood Third Edition], in ARQ Clarin Magazine # 865, Buenos Aires, Argentina
“Casa en San Francisco” [House in San Francisco], in Situaciones BIA-AR 2018 Catálogo, Bisman Ediciones y Scalae, Buenos Aires, Argentina / ISBN: 978-987-3779-30-5
“Loft del Faro” in CO-CASAS, 30-60 Cuaderno Latinoamericano de Arquitectura, I+P Ed., Córdoba, Argentina / ISBN-978-987-1385-66-9
Pabellón Temporal IX BIAU [Temporary Pavilion IX BIAU] in Procesos BIA-AR 2016 Catálogo, Bisman Ediciones y Scalae, Buenos Aires, Argentina / ISBN 978-987-3779-14-5
“Datos Nubosos” [‘Cloudy Data’] in Revista MAPEOS, Taller Danza Ed., Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Montevideo, Uruguay
“Datos Nubosos” [‘Cloudy Data’] in Revista MAPEOS, Taller Danza Ed., Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Montevideo, Uruguay
Pabellón Temporal IX BIAU [Temporary Pavilion IX BIAU], in SUMMA+ 141 Magazine, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“BIAU Rosario la otra arquitectura” [BIAU Rosario; The Other Architecture], in ARQ Clarin Magazine # 28.10.14, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Book Chapters, and Book Contributions
“Recent Works”, in CURRICULUM; La nueva arquitectura Americana, Bisman Ediciones, QUT Ediciones Barcelona, Pamplona, Spain / ISBN: 978- 84-313-3563-2
“La vida duplicada. Sobre la condición orgánico-virtual del ser-en la arquitectura” [The duplicated life; On the organic-virtual condition of being-in architecture] , in Utopías Fácticas; Latinoamérica explora futuros, FAUD UNC Ed., Córdoba, Argentina / ISBN-978-987-1494-99-6
“La cerámica como diafragma en la Casa Ladrillo del estudio Ventura-Virzi” [Ceramics as a diaphragm in the Ventura-Virzi Brick House], Libro de Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre Arquitectura y Cerámica, Ed. ETSAM UPM., Madrid, Spain / ISSN: 2659-5303 / ISBN 14:978-84946306-5-1
Study Work, as part of the exhibition “Curriculum; Learning and Experience in Spain of a New Latin American Architecture”, at The Miami Center for Architecture and Design (AIA Miami), Miami, United States.
“Rural Restrooms” selected to be shown at the VII BASC Santa Cruz Architecture Biennial, in the exposition “Architecture from Córdoba”, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
“Wood Bridge Pavilion” in Latin American Architecture Biennial (BAL 2019), traveling exhibition, Baluarte Auditory Center and Madrid School of Architecture, Pamplona and Madrid, Spain.
Curators.“Minor Infrastructures in the Central Valley of Chile", photo series by Juan Paulo Alarcón Carreño, Paseo del Buen Pastor, Córdoba, Argentina.
“ARCO’s & Flechas” in “BECOMING” Spanish Pavilion, of the XVI Edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale.
“ARCO’s & Flechas” in “BECOMING” Spanish Pavilion, of the XVI Edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale.
Curatorial team member. “ARCO’s & Flechas”, exhibition at the ARCOmadrid International Contemporary Art Fair. IFEMA, Madrid, Spain.
“Linking Manaus” (undergraduate final thesis) in ARCHIPRIX 2013-14 World’s Best Degree. Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM), Projects, Madrid, Spain.
“Linking Manaus” (undergraduate final thesis) in ARCHIPRIX 2013-14 World’s Best Degree. Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM), Projects, Madrid, Spain.