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“Concurso Provincial de Anteproyectos de Remodelación Plaza Manuel Belgrano”

Associates: Lucas Carranza & Juan Pablo Vazquez

Collaborators: Rocío Monje, Jorge Barucco, Benjamin Moneo, Franco Ricca, Cristian Amuchastegui, Agustin Garcia Haag.

Cordoba, ARG

Year 2021

Inserted in the center of the city, the Plaza General Manuel Belgrano is constituted as an urban space of historical value, testimony to the moment of transformation of the natural territory to the founding Villa Allende. Its current configuration, inheriting its premises from the academicism of the 19th century, and modified in successive interventions over the last 70 years, does not contribute to the development of new logics of use and appropriation expected of contemporary public spaces.The proposal implies the substitution of the current structure of diagonal axes and centrality that fragments and determines the use of space, for one that restores its double condition of original naturalvoid andpost-urbancivic scenario.

This hybridization constitutes the new squareas a large spacefor use in its entirety with a variety of supports, "the grove and the esplanade"On the other hand,the proposed configuration -specifically thearrangement of "the esplanade"- is adirect action of recognition and enhancement of the Del Carmen parish building, a Historical Heritage legacy of the architect Augusto Ferrari.

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